+39 346.13.83.728

Sophisticated materials

A small selection of the materials we have to offer



Breccia Medicea

Breccia Oniciata

Breccia Viola

Breche du Louvre

Breche Nouvelle

Breche Versailles

Brocolette Jeune Violet

Calacatta Luccicoso

Campan Payolle Grande Melange

Campan Payolle Gris Vert

Campan Payolle Rose Vert


Coca cola

Coffee Brown

Ebony Gold

Elegant Beige

Elegant Grey

Etched e Filled

Etowa Pink

Etruscan Rose

Fantastico Vagli

Fior di Pesco Carnico

Flawless White

Forest Brown

Forest Green

Giallo Siena

Green Rose

Grigio Carnico


Gris Cevenol Etched

Gris Cevenol

Gris St. Anne

Heavy Brush

Honey Tiger

Indus Gold

Stoneone S.r.l.

Sede legale: Via dello Statuario 34-36-38 - Pietrasanta - Lucca, 55045 - Italia
C.F. e P.IVA 02108130465 - Codice Univoco: KRRH6B9
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